The Master’s dissertation

The Diploma course of the École nationale supérieure de la photographie takes place over three years. At the end of the three years, after successful completion of a dissertation and an artistic project oral examination, the ENSP diploma is issued, conferring the degree of Master.

For 2nd (M1) and 3rd year (M2) students, the programme seeks to confirm their technical proficiency and to develop both a research project (dissertation) and a personal artistic project.

Criteria for the acquisition of the Master’s level dissertation are based on three aspects:
→ the ability to state an original research topic
→ the ability to pursue analytical thinking
→ the ability to be positioned in the fields of critical and contemporary creation

The students are supervised by Fabien Vallos, responsible for dissertations and research.
Past dissertations are available for consultation in the ENSP library or in digital format (pdf) on request.

Research papers initiated and supported at the ENSP since 2015 are also available on the CRAI website.
The author, the title, the abstract, the year of defense and the possible publication of the article are cited.